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Self-Attunement System


Ascension Reiki is a milky soft Ascension energy brought forward by Joseph of Aragon to help all healers and their clients prepare for Ascension by drawing new high-vibration energies into their auras and light bodies. The symbols were given to Shabdan in 1998 and the first handbook was issued in 1999. Since then, hundreds of people have attuned to this wonderful system that contains 19 ascension symbols and now represents levels 2-6 of conventional Reiki (where traditional Reiki Mastership is equivalent to level 3). Until 2008, Ascension Reiki correlated to levels 1-5, but energy shifts at that time raised the frequency of all of Shabdan's tools including Ascension Reiki. This is exciting because it means that Ascension Reiki can grow with you as you develop and progress.

The Ascension Reiki system has been designed for self-attunement so that it can be widely and easily accessed and used. Ascension Reiki Guides (who are almost always the same as your Reiki guides if you already practise traditional Reiki) oversee the attunement process and all subsequent healings. Using the handbook and guidance CD, you can attune to the energies yourself or in a group. Your Ascension Reiki Guide will come to you and ensure that the energy levels you bring through are always appropriate to your skill level and to the vibration of those who receive healing through you.



What about Usui Reiki?

Ascension Reiki can be used on its own or in conjunction with traditional Reiki, which was the healing modality for the ancient world. Ascension Reiki is simply the version for our era, although the attunement is just the beginning. By meditating on the symbols you can work to raise your vibration significantly and to hold these energies in your field permanently. This will initiate profound changes in your energy and help you on your healing journey in new ways. Many people have found that their psychic awareness developed significantly when they started using Ascension Reiki regularly




How Ascension Reiki Can Help

"Ascension Reiki is a great help in my spiritual development. I feel it facilitates other healing processes and clearings. A wonderful tool I'm deeply grateful to have - strong, powerful and with immediate results."
May-Lise, Norway, August 2009



Gateway to An-tu

By attuning to and using Ascension Reiki, you join a growing number of lightworkers and healers working with Ascension Reiki energies and helping to bring new levels of awareness and healing to Earth. This is powerful work for the Light. If you choose to continue your journey by seeking further attunements, there are currently 4 levels of An-tu (pure love) attunementavailable. These attunements are done in person over three days, as each attunement has several components. An-tu healing has been likened to dropping a pebble in a clear pool - the ripples radiate out from your hands and aura, sending energy to the recipient and the immediate environment. This gentle healing pathway is open to all those who have attuned to and used Ascension Reiki.




Ascension Reiki is available to buy directly

from Shabdan through Iona Light

(Link to Shop)

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