
In 2001 Shabdan began a process that saw Lord Anju - Shabdan's higher self - build a sacred healing retreat in the higher planes of consciousness over the Isle of Iona, off the west coast of Scotland. Lord Anju is Keeper of the Keys of Creation and he will bring the Keys to you if you ask to go to his retreat during the night when you are asleep. You can go for healing for your body, mind or spirit.
You can go for healing for your body or go simply to retreat, to pause and to rest in order to rejuvenate yourself.
Make a Request:
Before bedtime, centre yourself and quietly ask Lord Anju: "I call upon Lord Anju and ask that you bring me to your healing retreat over Iona tonight when I sleep, thank you, And So It Is."
Take a breath and trust that it will happen. While you sleep, Lord Anju will draw you to Iona, no matter where you are in the world and offer you healing and sanctuary for the night.
If you have a particular need in mind for your healing, then include it in your request and it shall be done.
You can ask as often as you wish and Lord Anju will help you.

'A view from Dunii' over the Atlantic' by Lisa Wyllie

Visiting Iona
Go to Oban on the west coast of Scotland, take a ferry to the Isle of Mull and enjoy the magnificent vista of mountains, great glens and sea, punctuated by picturesque quaint villages, highland cows and wild deer. Over a rise, enter the village of Fishnish and drop down to the sea. There before you laid out across a breathtaking sound, beyond the greeny-blue water and cradled by white sand, you will find the Isle of Iona.
Green lands rising up to Dun'I, a three-hundred feet or so hilltop that frames the Isle with St. Columba's Abbey in the foreground hewn from local reddish-brown sandstone. To the northwest lies Fingal's Cave across more water on another island, inspiration for many with its thundrous echo of the sea.
A short ferry crossing brings you to alight on the pier and the very first moment your foot touches the concrete, it begins... the healing that lifts your spirit and washes away the tears. This most ancient of lands, that is forged from the deep fires within the Earth, carrying elements of all of the geology of the Earth makes this place where Nordic and Scottish Kings are laid to rest quite unique.
Hidden from human sight, on the inner planes you can sense a profound opening to the divine that comes from the heart of our Mother Earth into the heart of the divine. It is here that you will find Lord Anju's Retreat overlighting the Isle of Iona.
If you have the opportunity to visit the Isle of Iona, then take some time while you are there to feel this magnificent light of the Keys of Creation and speak to Lord Anju, letting him take you up into his retreat!