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Book of Kindness Resources

Heart Balance

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How to Clear a space

Cleanse your space through Divine Dispensation:


“In the name of the Divine and under the Law of Grace, I ask for Divine Dispensation for all debris, discordance and interference, entities, Extra-terrestrials, devices and energy structures, and all portals and gates be transformed from my chair and space, and all self-sabotaging parts of me be addressed in the light. So Be It.”


You can substitute bed or room, etc, for ‘chair’. When you name the space/chair, etc, place your attention on the space/chair, etc, that you are asking to be cleared so that the Divine knows exactly what you are asking to be cleared.



You can repeat a Divine Dispensation in shorthand:


“And again, as per my last request to the deepest level, under Grace. So Be It.”



You can change the content to suit the situation and what you are sensing in your space. The space is perhaps 1.5 metres from the centre of the chair, but you decide. I have seen entities try to escape the space, standing outside of the radius I intend, to avoid being cleared! Dick Dastardly-types! So if you sense that, include “and my extended space” or something similar.


It is a part of good housekeeping to keep your working and living space clear. If there are entities and energies in your space, then your discernment can be blocked. Any information that you receive can be false or distorted. Also, your light will be distorted and you wont feel your best. So, always clear your working space before doing any spiritual work from self-healing, clearing work and discernment/talking to guides/Spirit. Quality in equals Quality out!

Solstice Gathering 21.12.2020

Solstice Gathering 2020
00:00 / 43:27

Healing Through the Observer

Clearing from Observer
00:00 / 02:00

You can use this when you do clearing through the observer self. It includes a lot of elements for clearing deeply. Shabdan will proxy for you and you may find that it reaches in more deeply than when you do it for yourself.



1. Have the UCM to hand. 

2. Press play on the recording.

3. Repeat the recording as many times

    as necessary to clear fully. Let go

    deeply each time.

This button works to overcome your resistance to healing and clears what is released from your body, mind, spirit and aura. It then clears all of the debris, emotion and parts of you that have been displaced from you.


Experiment with this button and see if it helps you with your healing work!

Summary Tables & Anaritas Keys for the Book of Kindness to July 2020

I have added this PDF - a summary of Keys and important notes to help you keep it all together and to work more efficiently with the course content. 


A Further summary will be available in due course.

Mer-Ka-Ba Resonances Catch Up Course

The PDF Handbook for the Mer-Ka-Ba Resonances is here.


MR Part 1
00:00 / 27:28
MR Part 2
00:00 / 33:01

I apologise for the start of the Part 1 recording. I didnt press record till I had begun with the first tool - Balancing the Merkaba Fields. Dont worry, you miss nothing of the content!​

final partArtist Name
00:00 / 40:58

(The second instalment is missing because of a technical problem. I will have to re-record this and post it here.)

When you come seeking...

All is well, deeply, profoundly, always.


You are a child of the Divine, a child of Creation. Allow yourself to be this, sweet and innocent one, newly born, fresh, silent, open, willing.


Be this dear one, be this. In this open-hearted place, you can sense the true nature of the Divine calling to you, expressing through you. The focus you can bring through such openess is genuine, sincere, allowing. Remember that the Divine is always ready to reveal itself in every moment to the student who can approach in this way.


Understand that seeking with preconceived ideas, brings great limitation, for it shapes your reality according to your belief. 


Most of all it filters infinite possibilities.


When you heal, when you meditate, when you quest to become more, when you seek understanding. Do it in this way... quietly, willingly, innocently with no expectation, no needing, just open and allowing, and still. 


Then it comes, deeply, profoundly, without end, to the seeker of truth.


By Seniisha, my guide in Supra-consciousness

6 June 2020


Celebrating Self

The concept of celebrating self is explained here. The Celebrating Yourself Light Chamber is here.


Divine Dispensation

Divine Dispensation is a Decree given to the Lightforce to be able to adjust the projection of consciousness within the Earth sphere. It enables extraordinary levels of healing and re-alignment to take place.


The Decree:


"In the name of the Divine and under the Law of Grace, I ask for ....STATEMENT HERE... to be carried out/done/now. So.Be It."


To invoke Divine Dispensation, say the Decree above and insert a statement of your choosing. For example:


"these parts of me to be addressed in the light"


"these entities to be transformed in the light and all related self-sabotaging parts of me to be addressed now"


"all emotion to be transformed and all sabotaging parts of me to addressed now"



You can insert any statement responsibly - understanding that you are asking the Divine to act on your behalf, for your benefit.




Energy Maintenance Matrix, Chakra Barrier Clearing Diagram and Chakra Clearing Matrix


PDF Tools for Download. Most will already have these tools so this is for those who do not and for ease of access should you need a new copy. It is helpful to print these tools if you can.


Statements For the UCM:

"I am a sovereign being of the Light."


  • Repeat three or more times with breathing in between.

  • Very helpful for really deep-set and heavy shadow energies and unhealed parts of you in firstly signalling your Divinity and sovereign rights in your being, and secondly in decreeing to the shadow and your unhealed selves that you have command of your space.

  • The effect is a powerful and effective clearing that can break into a stuck energetic situation or consciousness pattern.



  • Has an 'extractor fan' effect throughout the body, mind, spirit and aura.

  • Clears aspects, entities, emotion and debris easily.

  •  Helpful in clearing the decks, so to speak, but also as a check upon completion of healing actions to check if anything is remaining.


Keys for you:



  • Energises breath with prana. Takes prana into the cells and into the mitochondria on the in-breath. Mitochondria generates most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell biochemical reactions.

  • An important part of consciousness elevation is accessing the energy - prana needed to power the process of elevation, and to help the body elevate its own vibration.

  • Repeat this Key 3 - 4 times, pausing in between recitals to allow the Key's action to complete. You can make this a part of the process of consciousness elevation throughout the day.



"Marakusha, Meloseka, Nariita-San"


  • Activates a golden light seed that goes into every particle of your being, which then pushes out negativity.

  • Works well with the UCM



  • Disconnect from the 'negative field' or collective consciousness, from the inner feelings of 'speeding', anxiety and tension that takes you away from presence, the now moment.



  • correct orientation of the spirit within the body



Foods Anaritas Light Language



I’m sure that you have noticed the sluggish feeling that you can get from eating wheat, dairy and sugar. These foods take your vibration down and opens you to a bandwidth of frequencies that sap your energy. The best advice is to avoid these foods altogether and as many people progress on their spiritual journey, they tend to refine their diet and cut out wheat at least. Often they will cut down on dairy and sugar and leave them out all together in time. However, I know from my own experience of travelling about the country that it can be very difficult to eat at the fast food motorway services or even to just eat out in the villages and cities in the UK, if you are trying to avoid these foods.


To help you to maintain your vibration if you are eating wheat, dairy and sugar (sugar directly or sugar in other foods, baking, chocolate, sweets and so on) before you eat them, hold your hand over the food and say:


‘Ver-Es-Tu, An-na-At’
  • Raising the vibration of wheat


‘Shi, An-na-At’
  • Raising the vibration of dairy foods


‘Vetra, An-na-At’
  • Raising the vibration of sugar


Immediately the vibration of the food is taken above the frequency it is oscillating at and beyond the bandwidth where you will find your own energies being dampened. You will be able to eat the food after saying these phrases softly out loud. It even tastes better. Try this for yourself. Taste your food without using the phrases then hold your hand over the food and say the phrases. Can taste the difference?


If like me, you forget to utter the phrases until a piece of delicious pastry is already in your mouth or heading south to your stomach, don’t worry. Hold one hand over the plate of food and aim the palm of your other hand at your body with the intention of ‘zapping’ the food that you have taken into your body and say the phrases. All will be well!


Please don’t go around your pantry zapping all the food in it containing the naughty ingredients. The effect of the light language cannot be expected to last beyond a normal period of food digestion. The lower vibrations of the wheat, dairy and sugar degrade the higher imposed vibration of the light language through time. It is better to use the phrases when you are about to eat these foods. I would not suggest that you use them as a permanent solution to your craving for sugar and so on. Undoubtedly these foods carry a denser vibration than your evolving spirit and you will at some point, want to consider reducing your intake or giving them up. After all, consider this: what essential nutritional value do they add to your diet that you cannot get from other healthy sources? (Raw vegetables and fruit, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and pulses.)

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